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The African Market Provides Foundation Machinery Supplier with More Opportunities

Jul. 10, 2017

Now, African market provides Foundation Machinery Supplier with more opportunities.

Historically, northeast Africa was an integral part of the ancient maritime silk road, the most remote and important destination for the west coast of the silk road. In 2013, the government put forward the "China Belt and Road Initiative" initiative. 3 years ago, the African continent, rich in resources, a huge market potential and strong demand for infrastructure construction of the country, is also actively involved in the "The Belt and Road" construction. The transformation and upgrading of economic and trade cooperation in non African countries not only through cooperation to boost the production capacity, but also through The Belt and Road initiative on infrastructure interconnection project investment, promote industrialization development in Africa, to achieve poverty reduction and development of the African dream, accelerate Africa industrialization and economic integration.

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